--- title: "Getting started with teal.modules.general" author: "NEST CoreDev" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Getting started with teal.modules.general} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ### Introduction `teal` extends the `shiny` framework, enabling the creation of interactive GUI applications using the `R`. `shiny`, and `teal`facilitate the development of extensive applications through combining small, decoupled modules. The `teal.modules.general` package consist of collection of modules essential for developing `teal` applications. It is "general" in the sense that the intended functions of these modules are more fundamental. This contrasts with the more specialized focus on clinical data found in the `teal.modules.clinical` package. The modules from `teal.modules.general` can be used in conjunction with modules from `teal.modules.clinical` and / or other `shiny` modules to build a large `teal` / `shiny` app. The concepts presented here require knowledge about the core features of `teal`, specifically on how to launch a `teal` application and how to pass data into it. Therefore, it is highly recommended to refer to the [`README`](https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal/index.html) file and the introductory [vignette](https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal/latest-tag/articles/getting-started-with-teal.html) of the `teal` package. See also `teal.modules.clinical`'s [`README`](https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal.modules.clinical/latest-tag/index.html). ### Main features There are five areas of data science that `teal.modules.general` provides tools and solutions (modules) for: - viewing data in tabular formats - visualizing data in plots and graphs - viewing data and files in a directory - examining missing and extreme values in data - performing data analysis See [package functions / modules](https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal.modules.general/latest-tag/reference/index.html). ### Example application A simple application featuring the `tm_variable_browser()` module: ```{r, message = FALSE, results = "hide"} # load libraries library(teal.modules.general) library(teal.widgets) # teal_data object data <- teal_data() data <- within(data, { ADSL <- teal.modules.general::rADSL ADTTE <- teal.modules.general::rADTTE }) datanames <- c("ADSL", "ADTTE") datanames(data) <- datanames join_keys(data) <- default_cdisc_join_keys[datanames] # tm_variable_browser module tm_variable_browser_module <- tm_variable_browser( label = "Variable browser", ggplot2_args = ggplot2_args( labs = list(subtitle = "Plot generated by Variable Browser Module") ) ) # initialize the app app <- init( data = data, modules = modules(tm_variable_browser_module) ) ``` ```{r, eval = FALSE} shinyApp(app$ui, app$server) ``` Let's break the above app into pieces: 1: Load the necessary libraries and data. ```r library(teal.modules.general) library(teal.widgets) ``` 2: Construct a `teal_data` object containing that will serve as the source of data for the `teal` app. `teal_data` not only encapsulates the data for the app, but it also houses the code required to create the data to maintain reproducibility. To do this, we create an empty `teal_data` object and evaluate code to produce the data within the `teal_data` object, so both the code and data are stored together. Following this, we set the `datanames` and `join_keys`. ```r data <- teal_data() data <- within(data, { ADSL <- teal.modules.general::rADSL ADTTE <- teal.modules.general::rADTTE }) datanames <- c("ADSL", "ADTTE") datanames(data) <- datanames join_keys(data) <- default_cdisc_join_keys[datanames] ``` 3: Initialize a `teal` application with specified data and modules, in this case, the module: `tm_variable_browser`, datasets:`ADSL` and `ADTTE`. `shiny::shinyApp()` use the `ui` and `server` component to initialize the `teal` app. ```r tm_variable_browser_module <- tm_variable_browser( # module name to display in the GUI label = "Variable browser", # this argument takes a set of arguments to pass to ggplot2. # the arguments must have the same names as its ggplot2 counterpart, e.g. `subtitle` ggplot2_args = ggplot2_args( labs = list(subtitle = "Plot generated by Variable Browser Module") ) ) app <- init( data = data, modules = modules(tm_variable_browser_module) ) shinyApp(app$ui, app$server) ``` In a `teal` app, data and modules are decoupled. In the app above: - The app developer specified the data and assigned it to the `data` argument. - The app developer specified the module and assigned it to the `modules` argument. - The `init` function took these arguments and returned a list containing `ui` and `server` object, which can be demonstrated by running: ```{r, indent = " "} class(app) names(app) ```