--- title: "Getting Started with teal.reporter" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Getting Started with teal.reporter} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ## Introduction While engaging with data analysis within a `shiny` app, users often encounter insights that they wish to capture and share, be it through presentations, `markdown` articles, or other formats. The `teal.reporter` package simplifies the process for both developers and end-users of `shiny` applications. It allows for easy generation and dissemination of findings. This eliminates the need for manual copy-pasting or writing in markdown. `teal.reporter` provides a suite of modules and objects that integrate seamlessly to create reports directly from `shiny` apps with minimal effort for users and developers. And it can be done as easy as adding one of the reporting tools to your module: ```{r} library(teal.reporter) library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage(simple_reporter_ui("simple")) server <- function(input, output, session) { # The bulk of your module logic here create_module_card <- function(card) { card$append_text("This is the content of the report from the `simple` module") } simple_reporter_srv("simple", Reporter$new(), create_module_card) } if (interactive()) shinyApp(ui, server) ``` ## Where to next ### Basic usage For the basic usage of `teal.reporter` and the quickest way to enhance your modules with reporting, explore [the simple reporting setup vignette](./simpleReporter.html). ### Previewing a report To enable application users to preview, customize, and reorder reports prior to finalization, delve into [the report previewer vignette](./previewerReporter.html). ### Integration with `teal` Discover how teal.reporter complements the [`teal`](https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal/) framework by visiting the dedicated [on integrating reporting in `teal`.](https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal/latest-tag/articles/adding-support-for-reporting.html). ### More control Developers who want more control over the reporting process and customization of the layout can benefit from learning about topics such as `add_card_button`,`download_report_button` and `reset_report_button` offered by `teal.reporter`.